Monotonous routines can drain the vitality out of your work. You can refresh your attitude by simply changing some of your routines.
Here are ways you can change your routine:
Dare To Dream. While you wait for a meeting or a flight, write down where you envision yourself being in five years from now and which goals you will have achieved. Determine what you can do now to meet those goals.
Make Small Changes. Eat at a different restaurant, or take a different route to the office. Look for other ways to vary the little things in your routine.
Read Something New. See the world from a different view point. If you read business publications all the time, pick up a travel, science or sports magazine.
Explore New Interest. Start a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try. Visit a library, or go to a museum.
Recharge Your Relationships. Go to lunch with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Call old business contacts, and find out what’s going on in their realms of business.
Pursue New Experiences. Take a class at a local college. Volunteer your time in some type of social work.
Do Something Active. Leave the office during your lunch hour or morning break, and walk, jog, or play a favorite sport. Begin an exercise program with a friend or coworker, and hold each other accountable. Sign up to run in a city marathon, and begin training for it, for example.
Revamp Your Work Area. Paint your walls a different color, or hang new pictures on them. Rearrange your office furniture. Improve the air you breathe by adding plants to your office.
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