GDVMMCN16287763 ROCK SOLID LEADERSHIP.....Click On Picture Below and Turn Your Speakers On!

Rock Solid Leadership

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities -- always see them, for they're always there." ~ Norman Vincent Peale

If you could bottle the positivity of Dr. Peale or Robert Schuller, the Number 1 Possibilitarian in the world, you would see life in an entirely different light. Possibility thinking is better than impossibility thinking for one simple reason: When you think something is impossible, you tend to STOP.

Thus, a lack of ACTION becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy of FAILURE. This is not PHILOSOPHY. It's PHYSICS: A body at rest tends to remain at rest. But when you believe something is POSSIBLE, you will pursue it with PASSION and zeal... taking ACTION in spite of fear, uncertainty and doubt. Which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of SUCCESS!

Because a body in motion tends to remain in motion. It is your ATTITUDE that keeps your BODY in MOTION! No question, consistently maintaining a positive, potential-driven attitude (while difficult for many) is a major element of long-term success.

Without it, you are defeated before you even get started. With it, you will persist with passion and enthusiasm until you succeed or find a better way. Fail to take actions when required, your attitude sinks—causing a flood of negatives to drive your performance... moving you AWAY from success.

The message is simple. In the ebb and flow of life, the positives and negatives driving your attitude determine if you will find success or experience failed expectations over time.

Is your ATTITUDE sabotaging your Success?

Do you have the self-confidence and inner-drive to put your performance into over-drive?
A positive, powerful and uplifting attitude not only makes it easier to achieve your goals—it makes it fun!

Please take some time today to think about your Number One PERSONAL Goal. This is a goal just for YOU... only YOU!

While SMART, this goal will not come EASY. Look at this goal in light of the next 2 years attempting to GRIND you down. What are you going to do to maintain POSITIVITY and FORWARD motion?

My Number One Personal Goal...


The Bottom Line...
Without a POSITIVE and PROACTIVE ATTITUDE, you are just spinning your wheels, confusing effort with results.

Tune IN to your ATTITUDE. Turn it ON. Turn it UP!
As you go through the rest of the month, take a hard look around your life. Don't filter your observations through the "good enough" lens. Expect more! Imagine what your life will be like when you are actually living what's most important to you.


Look at your Number 1 Personal Goal through the lens of positivity and possibility thinking. Assume anything is possible. Because, given enough Time and Energy, it is. -- E.R. Haas, CEO

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